Headshot of Leif Hoffmann

Dr. Leif S. Hoffmann

Professor of Political Science
President of the Pacific Northwest Political Science Association

Office Hours

Mon 3pm to 4pm
Tues By appointment
Wed 3pm to 4pm
Thu 10:30am to noon
Fri By appointment

About Leif

Zoom Office Hour Info

Zoom ID: 889 6816 0303

Zoom Code: 169300


  • Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 2011
  • M.A. in Political Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 2007
  • Diplome (M.Sc. in International Management), Ecole Superieure de Commerce et Management, Poitiers, France, 2001
  • Magister Rerum Europae, Universität Osnabrück, Germany, 2001


Refereed Publications:

“Becoming exceptional? American and European exceptionalism and their critics: a review” in L’Europe en formation, nº 359, March 2011

“Ever closer markets: Public procurement & services in the EU and the USA.” in Political Perspectives, 2 (2), 2008

“Data Collection Online: Techniques and Traps when Searching for (Treaty-related) Data on the WWW.” in International Studies Perspectives, 8 (2). iv – v, 2007

Non-Refereed Publications:

“Perceptions and Reality of Vote-by-Mail” Op-Ed with Kylee Britzman in Medium (Open Online Publishing Platform), October 27, 2020, accessible at:

Author of instructor ancillary material, lectures and class activities,
The Logic of American Politics, 7th edition (May 2015), accessible here: http://edge.sagepub.com/kernell7e

Interview conducted by Chaemin Lee and published in Money Today, Korean Newspaper, June 16, 2012

"Voices of doom ignore true strength of European Union." Op-Ed in The Register-Guard, November 25, 2011, p. A 13

“And the wall came tumbling down.” Op-Ed with Tamas Golya in The Register-Guard, November 25, 2009, p. G1 and 4

Other Publications:

Capture Lane County: First prize in the News & Events photo category; Book: Capture Lane County. The Register-Guard (2008), p. 79; ISBN: 978-1-59725-150-1

Pumpkin photo in the Parade Magazin, Snapshot Photo Column, Sunday, October 30, 2005, p10

Hoffmann, Leif, Schmülling, Kriemhild. Hier Ist Doch Ein Bißchen Anders: Dokumentation Über Hertener Aussiedler Aus der Ehemaligen Sowietunion, Herten: Caritasverband Herten, 1995.