Accounts & Passwords
WarriorWeb is your source for online student records and course information: search and register for classes, plan the courses you need to complete your degree, check your grades or financial aid status, and much more...
Please follow our guide for logging into your account for the first time.
After submitting a name change form with the Registrar’s office, an updated email address will be created within one business day, and your password will not change. You will continue receiving email from your previous email address. After one business day, you can retrieve your new username by visiting the ‘What’s My Username’ form.
Follow our guide to send a password to your recovery email.
Visit the Registrar's site to learn how to register for classes.
Or you can give us a call at 208-792-2231 or email us at helpdesk@lcsc.edu. We cannot send password information to a non-WarriorMail account so you will want to call us if you need your password reset.
WarriorMail is the student email system powered by Microsoft. All students are given WarriorMail email accounts upon admission. WarriorMail also includes tools such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, and OneDrive.
Please follow our guide for logging into your account for the first time.
After submitting a name change form with the Registrar’s office, an updated email address will be created within one business day, and your password will not change. You will continue receiving email from your previous email address. After one business day, you can retrieve your new username by visiting the ‘What’s My Username’ form.
Follow our guide to send a password to your recovery email.
Or you can give us a call at 208-792-2231 or email us at helpdesk@lcsc.edu. We cannot send password information to a non-WarriorMail account so you will want to call us if you need your password reset.
Canvas is LCSC's digital learning environment that allows students to access classroom content online.
Please follow our guide for logging into your account for the first time.
After submitting a name change form with the Registrar’s office, an updated email address will be created within one business day, and your password will not change. You will continue receiving email from your previous email address. After one business day, you can retrieve your new username by visiting the ‘What’s My Username’ form.
Follow our guide to send a password to your recovery email.
Or you can give us a call at 208-792-2231 or email us at helpdesk@lcsc.edu. We cannot send password information to a non-WarriorMail account so you will want to call us if you need your password reset.
LCSC.edu is the faculty and staff email system, powered by Office 365.
Your username and password will be created 1 business day after completing the Email Account Creation form. Call us to get your username and password.
After submitting a name change with Human Resources, you will receive a new email account and password. We will work with you to transfer your emails to your new email address.
You can change/reset your @lcsc.edu password two ways:
- While logged into a computer on campus, hit Control + Alt + Delete and 'Change Password' for Windows users. Mac users will go to System Preferences and then Users & Groups and choose their account and click 'Change Password.'
- While off campus follow these instructions.
Password must meet the following complexity requirements:
- Your new password must be at least 14 characters in length
- Your new password cannot contain your account name, or parts of your first and last name
- Your new password cannot be the same as a previously used password.
Your new password must contain characters from three of the following four categories:
- Uppercase character (K, T, X, Z)
- Lowercase character (k, t, x, z)
- Number (0 through 9)
- Non-alphabetic character (for example, !, $, #, %)
Give us a call or email us at helpdesk@lcsc.edu.
Umbraco is the website management system for updating your websites and profile.
You will click the 'Sign in with lcsc.edu account' when you go to https://edit.lcsc.edu. Then use your LC State username and password.
Sign into Umbraco by going to https://edit.lcsc.edu. For step by step instructions on how to update your online profile, you can watch this video or read these instructions.
Contact Hailey Denton with Communications and Marketing for assistance.