International Travel
Report International Travel
International travel by faculty and staff for LC State business must be reported to Administrative Services for the traveler to have insurance coverage through the State of Idaho.
As soon as you are aware of your planned travel, download and send this completed form, International Travel Risk Management Notification, to VPFinanceAdmin@lcsc.edu.
International Travelers, as well as travelers to US Territories must take necessary steps identified in the section below, "Securing Your Laptop for Global Travel."
Upon receipt of this information, your trip will be added to the state international travel insurance coverage program by the Administrative Coordinator in Administrative Services.
- Ensure your laptop is prepared prior to travel. Follow the guidelines under "Securing Your Laptop for Global Travel."
- Review LC State's Travel Policy 4.101.
- Get approval for your proposed travel with your direct supervisor including budgetary considerations as necessary.
- Research the safety and security situation of your planned destination. If your destination is US State Department Level 3 or 4, request approval from Administrative Services ahead of making transportation and accommodation reservations.
- If you are working with a foreign institute or university, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) may be prudent. Check with Administrative Services for more information on when a MOU may be required.
- Verify Laptop Encryption: Ensure your laptop is encrypted using BitLocker (Windows) or FileVault (Mac). Contact the IT Helpdesk at helpdesk@lcsc.edu for confirmation or assistance.
- Converters/Adapters: Ensure you have the correct power converter/adapter for the country you are visiting.
- Office 365 Access: Access to Office 365 is restricted outside the 50 states. If you are traveling to a U.S. territory or a country outside of the United States and require access, email helpdesk@lcsc.edu with the details of your travel destination and dates. The Helpdesk will review and apply an exception to your account if necessary.
- Unsecured Wireless Networks: Avoid using public Wi-Fi whenever possible. These networks may be set up or exploited by criminals or intelligence agencies to monitor your activity or steal sensitive data and passwords.
- Publicly Accessible Computers: Do not log into your account from any computer other than your own LC State assigned computer.
- Other Resources: Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity while traveling (PDF) https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Cybersecurity%20While%20Traveling.pdf
- Arrange transportation to your destination.
- Arrange accommodations in your destination.
- It is recommended to request a hotel room between floors two and seven. Some fire department ladders will not reach above the seventh floor.
- Always check the location of the nearest fire stairwell, and emergency telephone when checking in to a hotel upon arrival at your accommodation.
- Secure on-the-ground transportation (i.e., from the airport to accommodations and to and from sites).
- Secure any tickets for excursions and review entry requirements. (i.e. passport required, head and shoulders covered to enter).
- Start the process to get or renew your passport.
- It can take months to get a new passport or renew an old one; apply now.
- Determine if a visa is needed and the process needed for a visa. A transit visa may be necessary even if you are just changing planes on the way to your final destination.
- Check the U.S. State Department, or your home country’s embassy and determine if a visa is needed and the type of visa that is most appropriate.
- If students are traveling with you, have them check with LC State International Programs office for more information.
- It is recommended that you register with the U.S. State Department through the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) if you are a U.S. citizen. This is a free service and allows the State Department assist you in an emergency.
- Once you have your finalized travel itinerary including transportation and place of residence, email this information to VPFinanceAdmin@lcsc.edu and to your department head. This will allow for travel assistance if needed.
- Review the immunizations required/recommended for your destination at the CDC website.
- Schedule health appointments early; many immunizations are given in a series over time. A list of travel clinics can be found online. Travel clinics are generally fee-for-service, meaning the cost of the visit may not be covered by your family health insurance.
- Research if your medications are allowed in the country.
- Print and pack your Insurance Cards.
- Read about your destination at the Department of State for any travel warnings for the country you are about to visit at: Travel Advisories.
- It is recommended that you register with Smart Travel Enrollment Program (STEP). This is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals to enroll their trip abroad so the Department of State can accurately and quickly contact them in case of emergency.
- Take your health insurance card with you and familiarize yourself with policies and procedures for using it when abroad.
- If you are injured during a personal portion of a trip, your personal health insurance coverage applies. Employees should check with their health insurance carrier for more details regarding personal medical coverage during foreign travel.
- State of Idaho Foreign Liability Coverage. As an LC State employee, you are automatically covered by the State of Idaho Foreign Liability Program provided by ACE American Insurance Company. This coverage is mainly for Liability, Auto Liability and Foreign Voluntary Workers Comp but has some emergency travel service coverage as well. It does not cover employees while they are in the U.S., its possessions or territories.
- LC State also provides free travel assistance through Chub ACE Travel Smart at no cost to the employee. Follow this link to print a travel card and brochure to carry with you.
- Supplemental insurance can also be obtained. The college recommends www.insuremytrip.com. The traveler may be responsible for the cost of this insurance. It is at the supervisor's discretion who pays for supplemental insurance, the college, or the traveler.
- See to your cash needs (ATM card, credit cards) and tell your bank and credit card companies that you will be traveling; Encourage your students to do the same.
- Ask if they charge foreign transaction fees.
- Ask if you’ll need a PIN to make purchases abroad.
- Find out what the exchange rates are for the countries where you will be traveling.
- If you are planning on taking money out of an ATM at the airport, be mindful of where the ATM is located. If it is in an area with easy access (beyond where baggage is claimed), be careful of skimmers and other ways to snag your bank card info.
- Take photocopies of important documents including your passport, visa (if necessary), and itinerary; give one set to your family and take one set with you.
- Leave a copy of a detailed itinerary with details on accommodations, travel plans, and logistics including any in-country contacts with your direct supervisor and with Administrative Services so that there is more than one person to contact in an emergency that knows how to reach you.
- Confirm that your cell phone works internationally and check with your cell phone provider regarding additional charges that may apply while traveling.
- Make a list of emergency phone numbers and bring it with you. Include the phone number of the US Embassy for the location you are visiting as well as LC State Public Safety (1-208-792-2815).
- Emergency numbers while abroad can be found here: 911_ABROAD. Plug in the emergency numbers ahead of time for any international stops and destinations during your travel.
- It is recommended to enroll in the Smart Traveler Program. The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals to enroll their trip abroad so the Department of State can accurately and quickly contact them in case of emergency. This will give travelers real time updates about health, weather, safety, and security in the country.
- Be aware that LC State policies, rules, and standards of conduct apply while you are abroad.
- If traveling to a country for the first time, research cultural differences and abide by the local laws and customs. Share any important information with students who may be traveling with you.