LC State Alumni Association Directors

The LC State Alumni Association Board of Directors is an elected body that governs the Lewis-Clark State College Alumni Association and meets formally during the year. 


Jamie Olson '89, Director of Lending

Vice President

Sam Skinner '05, Clearwater Power


Natalie Holman '00, Associate Professor, Paralegal & Legal Administrative Assistant Programs Director

Kristi Brown '05, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
Stephanie Coates '23, Union Gospel Mission; Inland Northwest Chapter Representative 
Clay Haylett '08, First Federal Bank; Treasure Valley Chapter Representative 
Lorinda Hughes '05, LC State; Faculty Senate Representative 
Cheryl Jenkins '70, Retired Educator
Ella Mae Keatts '92, LC State
Jenna Kirk '09, KOZE
Xander McDowell, President; ASLCSC Representative
Pam Moore '79, Retired Educator
Darcy Nelly '97, Nelly Broadcasting
Kim Vogel '19, North Idaho Correctional Institution

Dr. Cynthia Pemberton, President   
Jennie Jones Hall, Director of College Advancement