Student Network Access Policy (SNAP)


The purpose of this policy is to manage the network/Internet access from various locations on campus (residence halls, student computer labs, and community locations such as the SUB and Library) that are available to students and other non-staff and faculty residents at Lewis-Clark State College.  Access to the Internet via these locations is a privilege, and must be used appropriately so as not to diminish the network and Internet access performance for others at LCSC.

Personnel found to be abusing this privilege, and not adhering to the requirements of this policy may have their access to the Internet from LCSC suspended or terminated, or other disciplinary actions may be invoked. 

General Information

Wireless connections for network access at LCSC are provided in all locations on campus for student access.  These include all residence hall rooms, student computer labs, and other community locations and kiosk computers around the LCSC campus.  As with any service that is available in a community fashion, abuses of this access can have a detrimental impact on the college and on others that are attempting to utilize the network for other purposes. 

These network connections are to be used primarily for educational and academic purposes, although access to the Internet for personal activities is acceptable as long as usage adheres to the requirements of all appropriate LCSC policies.  LCSC reserves the right to restrict access and/or availability of access at any time that an individual is found to be in violation of this policy.  In addition to complying with this Student Network Access Policy, students using the Lewis-Clark State College network are required to comply with all requirements of the LCSC Appropriate Use Policy for Technology 1.202.


Students are responsible for all tasks associated with the configuration and support of their computer, to get it connected to the wireless network, and to maintain operation.  The LCSC Information Technology (IT) Department is responsible for the wireless and network connection (at the wall if requested), and all infrastructure (cable plant and active hardware) located beyond the data port required to maintain a functional campus network.  The IT Department is not responsible for resolving or responding to any problems that occur with network access which is the result of the student computer, Network Interface Card (NIC), or network patch cable between the computer and the wall outlet. 

Usage Times

While students connected to the network from the LCSC campus have access to the network at all times, peak usage occurs during the day when college is in session, and while personnel outside of the college are accessing the LCSC Internet Site.  To minimize impact on others, and to maximize your data throughput and speed, students needing to transfer larger files are encouraged to use the network during non-peak times.  Peak times are as noted below:

    • Monday – Friday                     6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    • Monday – Friday                     4:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
    • Monday – Friday                     6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
    • Saturday – Sunday                 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.
    • Monday – Friday                     11:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.
    • Saturday – Sunday                 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.

Policy Statements

All students accessing the LCSC Data Network are required to comply with the following policy statements:

  • Students are not allowed to use any software or hardware designed to disrupt the security of the campus network or any devices attached to the campus network. Individuals may not engage in activities designed to interrupt or intercept the network traffic of other users.
  • Students are not allowed to use any LCSC technology resources or network access to support a personal business or commercial purpose.  Usage of the network for personal affairs, leisure, consumer usage, etc. is acceptable if it complies with all other LCSC technology usage policies. 
  • Students may not sell or provide access to LCSC networks to outside concerns or interests.
  • Students are not allowed to utilize LCSC resources to send mass mailings (chain mail, solicitations, spam, etc.) 
  • Students will not engage in activities that deliberately utilize excessive bandwidth.
  • Students are not allowed to gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to computer accounts not associated with them. 
  • Students will not use any data connection to engage in software piracy or copyright infringement activity.
  • Students are prohibited from activating any type of shared file service or access to their computer. 
  • Students will not use the campus network to gain unauthorized access to any other resident computer, or any other computer system on campus.
  • Residential students are personally responsible for any activities originating from their network connection.  While LCSC will not be monitoring the destination of any Internet connections (unless warranted by network performance concerns or policy compliance issues), the IT Department will be monitoring for excessive usage rates.  Users determined to be utilizing an excessive amount of bandwidth (especially during peak time), which impacts other users on the network, will be notified via email.
    • First Notice: Student will receive a warning/caution.  Information will be provided on the quantity of network usage, and recommendations will be provided.
    • Second Notice: Student network access from the LCSC campus will be terminated.  Student may appeal this termination of network access by contacting the Vice President of Student Services.
    • Third Notice:  Permanent loss of network access on campus. 
  • Lewis-Clark State College assumes no responsibility or liability for and data loss or equipment damage which may result from use of this network connection.
  • Lewis-Clark State College information resources on campus are guided by the same principles, and are subject to the same sanctions as other campus activities.  Violations or these principles will be reported to the appropriate campus judicial body.  Sanctions for violations can include, but are not limited to:
    • Disconnection from the campus network.
    • Termination of Residence Hall Lease (if applicable)
    • Disciplinary Action by the Judicial Council
    • Criminal Prosecution by Local, State, or Federal authorities.
  • Students have the right to a fair share of the campus network capacity.  Students are requested to report any suspected violations of another user or group of users that is interfering with overall access to the network.  Such violations should be reported to the Information Technology (IT) HelpDesk at:
    • Phone:             208-792-2231
    • Email:    
    • Office:             Sam Glenn Complex, Room 112
  • The Lewis-Clark State College IT Department has authority to monitor network traffic through all data connections on the campus for the purpose of managing compliance with this policy.
  • Students are prohibited from knowingly performing acts that will interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, or network devices.
  • Students are prohibited from knowingly running or installing (on any computer system) or giving to another user, a program intended to damage or place excessive load on a computer system or network.  These include but are not limited to viruses, Trojan horses, worms, etc.
  • Students are prohibited from attempting to circumvent any college data protection mechanisms or uncovering security loopholes.
  • Students are prohibited from using electronic mail to harass others, or from sending or posting any information to any Internet Site that violates existing laws or college code’s of conduct and policies.
  • All students using a data connection provided in their residence hall room, or a community network connection for student use, are required to abide by these terms and conditions.