Would you like to join a CSO Committee? These are fun, informative, and professionally enriching ways to participate in community life at LC State.
The Employee Recognition Committee is responsible for:
- coordinating and promoting the annual end of year social.
- requesting from HR any retirements or years of service for staff recognition.
- any additional recognition responsibilities voted on and approved by the officers or membership.
The Chair will maintain communication with the treasurer and CSO Chair to discuss any expenses.
Time Commitment Required: Meetings generally take place over email. Committee members may be responsible to make purchases, deliver or mail gifts, and to assist with the planning of various activities such as the end of year social.
The Election Committee consists of the Web Secretary, serving as the Committee Chair, and up to three members from the organization.
Nominations will be solicited from the membership. Nominations, communication to nominees, and voting will all be announced via email and on the CSO web site. Elections will conclude prior to the final quarterly meeting of the fiscal year so that new officers may be presented to the membership.
Time Commitment Required: Most activity will take place in the fall semester; February and March in particular. The time estimate is three to five hours for the organization of nominations, voting, and selection of new officers.
The Employee of the Year Committee is responsible for soliciting nominations and selection of the CSO Employee of the Year.
The past Employee of the Year will be invited to chair the committee, consisting of at least three other voting committee members. In the event the past Employee of the Year is unable to chair the committee, the chair of the CSO can designate a CSO member who is not eligible to receive the award.
The members will consist of individuals who cannot be nominated because they have received the award within the past five years or are new employees who have worked for Lewis-Clark State College for less than two years as of April 30th. For more information, please see the Bylaws on the CSO web site.
Time Commitment Required: The chair may spend approximately three to four hours serving on this committee. Committee members will likely spend two hours or less over a span of a month or two early in the Spring semester. Email is the primary communication while reviewing nominations. One face to face meeting is necessary to discuss nominees and make a final decision.
The Bylaws Committee is responsible for the annual review of the bylaws that represent the CSO mission statement and provide policies and procedures for how CSO conducts business. The Committee will propose any amendments deemed necessary.
The Bylaws Committee is made up of volunteer CSO members and the CSO Chair-Elect who serves as Chair. This Committee meets as its members’ schedules permit and in a time-frame that is suitable to voting procedures.
Time Commitment Required: Meetings are primarily by email or held virtually. Time commitment will depend on the time taken to review the current bylaws, then to recommend, and discuss changes. For a short review with minor changes, a committee member could expect to spend an hour or two reviewing and recommending changes, as well as a one hour meeting with other committee members to incorporate any recommended changes. For a more in depth change of the By-laws this time commitment could double.
All committee responsibilities will be complete at least two weeks prior to the final meeting of the fiscal year where the changes will be voted on.
The Birthday Card Committee is responsible for sending CSO employees a birthday card through campus mail on their birthday. The cards can be either purchased or handmade. There is a limited budget for the materials, as noted in the bylaws. There will be no committee chair as this is an individual volunteer or a team of volunteers that work together to get the cards disseminated.
Time Commitment Required: This is an ongoing commitment through the calendar year, January - December. The frequency and length of meetings will depend on what the committee decides is necessary.
On this committee, you would serve as a representative for the classified staff organization interacting with faculty, professional staff, and administration.
FAC: Functional Area Committee
The chair of this committee is always the CSO Chair. This committee serves to represent CSO in the strategic planning process. Members attend an assigned campus unit FAC meeting and observe as Unit Action Plans (UAP) are presented. The committee reconvenes as a whole after all UAP presentations are complete. The Chair will put together the collective observations and report to the CSO.
Time Commitment Required: Meetings take place each spring, generally during the month of February. Depending on which division you observe, the meetings can take anywhere from one to four hours. Composing an email to the Chair with a summary of the top three to five priorities as they relate to CSO should take less than one hour. The Chair will review all priorities and compose a full report to present to the President’s Council in the spring.
Committee Members will include one representative for each of these LC State Divisions:
DRU, Direct Report Units to the President
Academic Affairs
Professional Studies
Student Affairs
Finance & Administration
On this committee, you would serve as a representative for the classified staff organization interacting with faculty, professional staff, and administration.
This committee works to improve and expand the professional development courses on campus. They evaluate the process, content, and recognition for employees attending training.
Time commitment required: The director of Human Resources will call meetings as required. The time allotted to meetings varies from year to year.
On this committee, you would serve as a representative for the classified staff organization interacting with faculty, professional staff, and administration.
CSO Members volunteer to assist faculty, professional staff, classified staff and administration with planning and setup of the annual employee holiday party that takes place in December.
Time Commitment Required: This is an event planning committee that will happen in the fall only, leading up to the December event. Time will consist of meetings to plan the event, as well as assisting with details to ensure a successful party leading up to, and the day of the event. Winter Revels is an all campus social event that includes a dinner, prizes, games, décor, etc. There is a lot to do and it is a very fun committee to be a part of.
On this committee, you would serve as a representative for the classified staff organization interacting with faculty, professional staff, and administration.
LC Cares is a committee made up of students, staff, and faculty. They can be seen on campus collecting gifts and provisions for families in need during the holiday season, and after natural disasters occur.