LC State Campus

News Release

Campaign raises over $13.5 million for LCSC

Lewiston, Idaho – Thursday night was a time of celebration on the Lewis-Clark State College campus, celebration of the LCSC Foundation’s fundraising effort, Campaign LCSC –Celebrating the Past, Creating the Future.

At a gathering at the home of LCSC President J. Anthony (Tony) Fernández, it was announced that the campaign has raised $13,508,516, surpassing the Foundation’s goal of $12 million.

President Fernández expressed his appreciation to everyone who helped make the campaign such a success.

“Because of this remarkable achievement, Lewis-Clark State College will continue to grow stronger and I thank all who supported this campaign through their generous donations and by volunteering their time and effort,” Fernández said.  “It is our students who are the ultimate beneficiaries of this generous support by so many friends of the college.  Special thanks to campaign co-chairs Don Poe and Butch Alford for leading us to significantly surpass the goals set for the campaign.” 

"To surpass the $12 million goal is indicative of the college's growth in numbers of students served and growth in the quality and the offerings of LCSC, and that alumni and supporters want to share in the school's success,” said Butch Alford, campaign co-chair, and Foundation Board Member.  “Hundreds of LCSC supporters, alums and non-alums, have given a vote of confidence in LCSC's future, its faculty, and its leadership."

Don Poe, also a campaign co-chair and an outgoing Foundation Board member, said the success of the campaign is a reflection of the outstanding education offered at LCSC.

“On behalf of the Foundation, I would like to thank all of the donors that contributed to the campaign,” said Poe.  “I think that more and more folks are realizing that LCSC is a valuable asset in our community and that they are doing a quality job of preparing their students for their careers.”

Mary Hasenoehrl, Lewis-Clark State College Director of College Advancement, said the support offered to the college recognizes the important role LCSC plays in Idaho and beyond.

“We appreciate the philanthropic spirit of our alumni and friends,” said Hasenoehrl.  “LCSC has many supporters who realize the importance of the College to the region and the excellent job that LCSC does in preparing students to be productive citizens.”

Campaign LCSC – Celebrating the Past, Creating the Future continues through the end of June.  For more information, contact Mary Hasenoehrl, Director of College Advancement at Mary Hasenoehrl or 208.792.2458.