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News Release

Discussion on Burkholderia and E. coli interactions set at LCSC on March 14

LEWISTON, Idaho – Elizabeth Danka, a visiting assistant professor in biology at Whitman College, will explore the diversity of bacterial interactions in Burkholderia and E. coli during a discussion on March 14 at noon in Room 208 of Sacajawea Hall on the Lewis-Clark State College campus.

The event, which is part of the spring semester INBRE seminar series, is free and open to the public.

Burkholderia is a bacteria that in some forms can attack humans and can cause pneumonia, while E. coli bacteria normally live in the intestines of healthy people and animals. Most varieties of E. coli are relatively harmless, but some strains can cause severe illness.

The INBRE program is designed to provide greater research opportunities for faculty and staff at colleges and universities in Idaho. LCSC has been a program participant since 2004 and has used funding to support curriculum development, faculty and student research, and acquisition of modern instruments.

The spring series focuses on bringing scientists to LCSC who use bioinformatics or computational methods in their research.

For more information on the series, contact Eric Stroffregen, LCSC assistant professor in the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.