LC State library building

News Release

LC State to hold three film screenings this semester on campus

LEWISTON, Idaho – Kimberly Tolson and Jennifer Anderson, members of the Lewis-Clark State College Humanities Division faculty, are holding a film series called “Not Seen on Netflix” during the spring semester at the college’s Teleconference Communications Classroom inside the library building.

All three screenings begin at 7 p.m. and are free and open to all. A discussion led by Tolson and Anderson will follow each screening. The college’s COVID-19 protocols will be followed, including face coverings are required indoors at all times. This and other protocols may be found on the college’s Coronavirus web page.

The first screening will be on Feb. 24 and the movie is “Diamond of the Night,” which was released in 1964 with director Jan Nemec. He established himself as one of the most uncompromising visionary radical filmmakers of the Czechoslovak New Wave. The movie is adapted from the novel of the same name written by Arnost Lustig. The movie closely tracks two boys who escape a concentration camp transport during World War II as they flee into the surrounding woods and hostile terrain. The boys face the brutal realities of survival mixed with dreams, memories and fragments of visual poetry. During the movie, Nemec makes inventive use of fractured editing, elliptical storytelling and flights of surrealism.

On March 17, the film "Wanda," which was directed by Barbara Loden in 1970, will be shown. It was Loden’s only feature film, which is a hard-luck drama that Loden wrote, directed and starred in. She brought to life a character seldom seen on screen up to that point. The film is set in a soot-chocked Pennsylvania landscape and shot in an intensely intimate venue style. The soft-spoken Loden has left her husband, lost custody of her children, and now finds herself drifting between dingy bars and motels where she falls prey to a series of callous men, including a bank robber who ropes her into his next criminal scheme. Wanda is a compassionate and wrenching portrait of a woman stranded on society’s margins.

The final film is "Stalker," which debuted in 1979 with director Andrei Tarkovsky. It will be shown on April 21. The move is Takovsky’s final Soviet feature film and is a metaphysical journey through an enigmatic post-apocalyptic landscape. The Stalker is a hired guide who leads a writer and a professor into the heart of the Zone, a restricted site of a long-ago disaster. The three men eventually zero in on the Room, a place rumored to fulfill one’s most deeply held desires.

For more information on the screenings, contact either Anderson at or Tolson at