New Students - STAR
You're admitted - now what?
Schedule your STAR appointment to meet with an advisor and register for your spring classes!
Admitted freshmen attend STAR (STudent Advising and Registration). At STAR* you will:
-Meet with an advisor and register for classes
-Receive information about attending LC State
-Have the opportunity to ask questions about programs and career goals
*You must be admitted to LC State in order to attend STAR. If you are not sure if you are admitted, contact Admissions at 208-792-2378.
Sign up for STAR:
You can choose how you meet with your advisor: come to campus to meet in person, over the phone, or virtually through Zoom/Teams. When scheduling your appointment, please choose the appointment type that works best for you.
You can sign up for your STAR appointment online using the link below or call The Advising Center directly at 208-792-2313.
If you are a CTE student and have not completed the CTE Student Intake, please complete before you sign up for a STAR.