Professional Staff & Faculty

Professional Staff and Faculty can choose between two ORP retirement plans, TIAA & Corebridge Financial (Previously, AIG). The employee contribution rate is 6.97% and is matched by the employer at 9.35%. Employees are vested immediately.

*The Idaho State Board of Education Retirement Plan Committee has recently completed a multi-year, comprehensive review of the Idaho Optional Retirement Plan, (ORP). As a result of that plan review, it has been recommended and approved at the December 13, 2023 State Board of Education meeting, that Fidelity will become the sole provider of the administrative services for the ORP effective December, 2024. More information will be provided by the Office of the State Board of Education as we transition into the new year, along with important dates, next steps, and other relevant details that will be communicated prior to the effective date of this transition in December of 2024. A set of Frequently Asked Questions has been posted to the State Board of Education website. These FAQs will be updated throughout this transition. Additionally, it is anticipated that all faculty and staff enrolled in the ORP will receive a direct communication coordinated by the Idaho State Board of Education regarding this change after the holidays.*

Classified Staff

Classified Staff has one retirement plan, Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho (PERSI). The employee contribution rate is 7.18% and is matched by the employer at 11.96%. Employees are vested after 60 months of credited state service.