Global Studies

Learn about political, economic, legal, ecological and cultural interconnectedness on an international level.

Degree Options Minor
Locations Lewiston

The world of the 21st century is characterized by cultural, political, economic, and environmental processes that operate at the planetary level. This minor is designed to help students understand how such global processes influence their major course of study by providing an international dimension. Any major on campus can be strengthened by adding a global component. Flexibility in thinking and seeing the big picture is critical to see how today's issues can affect not only the world, but your own city and neighborhood.

Related Careers

  • Political scientist, $126,140
  • Social scientist and related worker, $94,560
  • Logistician, $81,220
  • Economist, $128,180
  • Community health workers, $49,900

Career data and salary information is from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Degree Options

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