Packaging Design

Learn a skill that all the world’s top companies, from Microsoft to McDonald's, rely on.

Degree Options Associate, Certificate
Locations Lewiston, Hybrid
Department Humanities Division

Get prepared for entry-level employment in the multi-billion dollar packaging and display industry. The program provides an exit point for students who want to start working in the field, or for workers who want to return to update their skills in graphic communications. It also provides an avenue to supplement a degree or certificate in Graphic Design. Packaging designers are the employees who design the aesthetic, including colors, graphics, fonts and figures, of the packaging.

Related Careers

  • Specialized design services, $54,840
  • Newspaper, periodical, book and directory publishers, $45,170
  • Printing and related support activities, $41,490

Career data and salary information is from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Degree Options

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