Jaggaer Curriculum


What is a Requisition?

What is the difference between a Requisition and a Purchase Order?

What is a Payment Request?

What is a Check Request?

Entering Requisitions

Watch this video on entering requisitions to Jaggaer punchout vendors.

  • This video also demonstrates setting up your default Ship To address.
  • This video also demonstrates a requisition being returned by the approver for changes, and shows how you would make the corrections and then resubmit the requisition to the approvals workflow.

Watch this video on entering requisitions to the punchout vendor Dell Marketing.

  • This video also demonstrates how to split a purchase between various cost centers.
    • When and how to split at the header level
    • When and how to split at the individual line level

Watch this video on entering requisitions to the non-catalog vendor SHI.

  • This video also demonstrates how to ensure that there's an email address as a Distribution Method, and how to attach a quote (or note quote number).

Watch this video on entering requisitions to the non-catalog vendor Apple.

  • This video also demonstrates how to ensure that Purchasing's email address is set as the Distribution Method, and how to attach a quote (or note quote number).

Watch this video on entering a requisition when you aren't sure what the pricing will be.

  • This video discusses the importance of the use of the quantity in relation to the number of expected invoices.

Entering Your First Requisitions

In Jaggaer Test, enter a punchout requisition to any vendor of your choosing. 

  • Set up your Ship To address and make it your default
  • Enter at least two lines
  • Practice allocating to your cost center at both the header level and the line level
  • If you think you'll use more than one cost center regularly, practice adding an extra line at both the header level and the line level and entering a second cost center

In Jaggaer Test, enter a non-catalog requisition to any vendor of your choosing.

  • Enter an email in the Distribution Method
  • Attach a document to the requisition as an external attachment (to go to the vendor along with the Purchase Order)

Entering Receipts

Sometimes people hear the word "receipt" and think of a slip of paper that they get at the store. When we talk about entering receipts in Jaggaer, we are not talking about actual pieces of paper or documents.

The following videos will demonstrate how to indicate on the Jaggaer PO that your item or service has been received so that when AP gets the invoice, they know that it's approved to pay.

  • Creating Receipts 1 Simple scenario, items received match the items on the PO (price, quantity).
    Creating Receipts 2 You're only indicating receipt of part of the PO total, or the price is a little different.

This video will show you what to do if the vendor sends the invoice directly to you (instead of to Accounts Payable, which is where our Purchase Order instructs invoices to be sent).

Entering Your First Receipts

In Test, go back to the practice requisitions you entered in the previous exercise and create some receipts.

  • Do at least one simple one where the entire order has been received, and at least one where part of the order came in first and was followed by another part (or the remainder).
  • Enter a receipt and then attach an "invoice" (any document will do). Make a comment and tag Accounts Payable personnel.

Making Changes

Once a requisition has become a Purchase Order, a Change Request will need to be done in order to make updates.