Title IX and Other Civil Rights Violations
2. Title IX Violations and Other Civil Rights Violations
A. LC State is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs, and activities, that are free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. To ensure compliance with federal and state civil rights laws and regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational program or activity, LC State has developed internal policies and procedures that provide a prompt, fair, and impartial process for those involved in an allegation of discrimination or harassment on the basis of protected class status, and for allegations of retaliation. LC State values and upholds the equal dignity of all members of its community and strives to balance the rights of the parties in the grievance process during what is often a difficult time for all those involved.
B. Any person may report discrimination, sex-based harassment, and/or retaliation to the Title IX Coordinator (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute a violation of policy). Reports may be made in person, by mail, by telephone, by electronic mail, or by any other means that results in the coordinator receiving the person’s verbal or written report. Such a report may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number, electronic mail address, or by mail to the office address listed for the coordinator:
Title IX Coordinator
Department of Public Safety
500 8th Avenue
Meriwether Lewis Hall, room 110
Lewiston, ID, 83501
208-792-2689; Titleix@lcsc.edu
C. Lewis-Clark State College Policy 3.110 Discrimination and Sexual Harassment, and related procedures, provide information and guidance on how the college will respond to complaints that may be a violation of that policy. The policy and related procedures can be read in their entirety at https://www.lcsc.edu/policies/section-3-personnel.
D. LC State routinely provides educational and awareness programs to students in order to generate awareness of discrimination and sex-based harassment. These programs inform the campus community on how to report incidents of discrimination and sex-based harassment, as well as how to implement safe and positive interventions on behalf of students.
E. Students are thereby advised that acts of discrimination, sex-based harassment, and retaliation are prohibited and may represent violations of the college’s Student Code of Conduct. In some instances, off campus conduct may also constitute a violation of the Student Code of Conduct if the effects of off-campus conduct effectively deprive an individual of access to LC State educational programs and activities. Jurisdiction may also extend to off-campus/online conduct when the Title IX coordinator determines that the conduct affects a substantial institutional interest.
F. Students who believe they are victims of discrimination or sex-based harassment are encouraged to report same immediately to any campus official. All college staff and faculty are designated as a mandated reporter, which means they are obligated by policy to share knowledge, notice, and/or reports of harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation with the Title IX coordinator and/or their supervisor. Similarly, students who believe they have witnessed or otherwise know of a case of discrimination or sex-based harassment should report it to a campus official.
G. Reports may be filed confidentially. Students filing complaints requesting anonymity will be apprised of the potential limitations of the investigative and student judicial process when such requests are granted, and the granting of those requests may not be guaranteed if the safety of the campus community is deemed at risk.
H. Upon receipt of notice or a complaint of an alleged violation of the policy, prohibited discrimination, sex-based harassment, and retaliation, the Title IX coordinator, or his or her designees, will conduct an initial assessment of the information and will reach out to the Complainant and offer supportive measures and an opportunity to file a formal complaint. The coordinator will work with the Complainant to determine whether the individual prefers a supportive and remedial response, an informal response option, or a formal investigation and grievance process. In some cases, school officials may need to proceed with an investigation regardless of the student’s desires, based on certain criteria as outlined in LC State Policy 3.110 – Discrimination and Sexual Harassment. If a determination is made to proceed with an investigation against the wishes of the student, the student will be informed of such, and LC State will take every reasonable precaution to keep the student safe and provide supportive measures.
I. If a member of the campus community believes that LC State has not complied with the provisions of Title IX, he or she may file a complaint by contacting the Office of Civil Rights at 1-800-421-3481 or https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/howto.html?src=rt