How do I Change or Declare my Major?
If you are unsure about your major, have completed quite a few courses through dual credit, or would like to obtain a two-year degree first, we recommend working toward an associate's degree first.
When you apply as undeclared or are unsure about a major, your advisor will talk with you about declaring the Liberal Arts degree and working toward completing those requirements and your general education core classes first. You can declare this program with your advisor by completing this form.
If you would like to change your major from what you are currently declared in, talk with your advisor first about making this change. You can find the different majors and requirements in the Program Finder or in WarriorWeb under Student Planning and then in "my progress". Once there, click on the "view a new program" button at the top right to find a major. You will want to choose the degree option UG for undergraduate. If you decide to change your major, you will need to complete the form to make this change. You will find the degree change forms under the "Make Changes to your Program" section in Student Resources.