Report an Incident

Any person may report an incident of discrimination, sexual harassment, or retaliation to the Title IX Coordinator by calling 208-792-2689, via email at or, in person in Meriwether Lewis Hall, room 110, or by completing the following online form:  

Protected Class(es) - Basis for Report (Check all that apply) *
The name of the person who is alleged to have engaged in the conduct
Supportive Measures Requested (select all that apply) *
Accommodation Request *

Additionally, an individual may report using the LC State Lighthouse Services Online Reporting Form or by calling 855 840 0070.  Anonymous reports can assist the College in its efforts to comply with federal laws with respect to reporting crimes and in identifying patterns that could be concerning; however, anonymous reporting may limit the College's ability to investigate or take disciplinary action against the accused.  The identity of the person making the report will not be disclosed by Lighthouse Services without express permission.

External Reporting

Individuals also have the right to file complaints alleging discrimination, harassment, or retaliation with state or federal agencies within the agencies' prescribed time period.  State and federal agencies have their own processes for responding to and processing such complaints.  Filing a compliant with a state or federal agency listed may be done in lieu of or in addition to the College reporting process.  External complaints may be made to any of the following state and federal agencies: