Tell Us Your Story

Your story is LC State's story. So let us help you share it!

Did you just receive an award/honor or know of someone who did? Do you know of a student who has overcome great challenges and is an inspiration to other students? Maybe there's an event or a new program in your area that you want to spread the word about? If so, the Communication & Marketing Department at Lewis-Clark State wants to hear from you. We're more than happy to spread good news about LC State and its wonderful programs, students, employees, alumni and friends!

Please use the form below to submit your news and story ideas. We'll review the information, use our discretion to determine where/how the story might work best (e.g. a news release, on social media, the Intranet, as a website feature, etc.), and be in touch if we need more information. 

Note: News-related items should be submitted at least one week before an event/announcement to provide enough time to prepare and disseminate the news appropriately and give ourselves the best chance for media coverage. Two weeks notice is preferred.

Submit a story idea or a news item

Please provide as much detail as possible. Too much information is better than too little.

Please be specific and answer who, what, where, when, purpose and target audience. Please include any contact information if this is a faculty or student achievement.
Media inquiries will be directed to the submitter of the form unless specified otherwise.
Having a good image to go with a story is so important! If available, please include a high resolution image of the subject matter (e.g., a head shot or event photo).