Student Resources
Answers to frequently asked questions, scholarship information, handbooks, and necessary links, documents and forms found here!
Certification Paperwork
Handbooks and Other Info
- Elementary Education Handbook
- PACE Elementary Education Handbook
- Secondary Education Handbook
- PACE Secondary Education Handbook
- LCSC Professional Principles for Teaching
- ICLA Study Guide - Standard 1
- ICLA Study Guide - Standard 2
- ICLA Study Guide - Standard 3
- Praxis Information
- Practice Praxis Tests
Useful Forms
Mathematics Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Students can pick up a Program Information Form (PIF) from the Division Office, from the Registrar's Office, or download one from the Registrar's website.
Students need to complete the top portion, select their major, and sign at the bottom. Once completed, the form should be submitted to the Teacher Education & Mathematics Division office in Spalding HallĀ 114.
The PIF that you filled out to declare your major is also used to assign you an advisor. Follow the steps for declaring your major. Once the PIF is received, we will assign you an advisor. We'll send you a letter to let you know who that advisor is and how to contact them. You will need to contact your advisor prior to registration each semester for advising and registration release.
You can also find out who your advisor is by logging into your WarriorWeb account and looking for the "My ID and Advisor Name" link in the Student Menu. If you have no advisor listed, follow the steps for declaring a major.
First you must meet with your advisor and discuss your course plans. Your advisor will release you, and then you should be able to login to your WarriorWeb account and register for classes. Before you can register, be sure you complete the "Conditions of Registration - DO THIS FIRST" found on your Student Menu.
All professors have a mailbox located within the main Teacher Education & Mathematics Division office in Spalding Hall, room 114.
Each instructor keeps their own calendar for appointments. You can contact them by email or by telephone to set up an appointment. Office hours and contact information can be found on their office door, in the Division Office (SPH 114), or on our Division's faculty directory page.
Once you become an LC State student, you MUST use your WarriorMail email account for all means of electronic communication with your advisor, your instructors, or other officials at LC State. Any correspondence from you through your WarriorMail email account is considered official communication.
Click this link to determine what you can teach with a given endorsement.
Endorsement Indicator: input the endorsement to see what you can teach with that endorsement.
Assignment: input the course you want to teach to see which endorsements allow you to teach that course.
Scholarships for Teacher Education Majors
Lewis-Clark State College offers a number of scholarships to students pursuing degrees in elementary or secondary education. Listed below are the available scholarships. For more specific information about each scholarship and how to apply, visit the LC State Financial Aid webpage.
- Alpha Delta Kappa XI Annual Scholarship
- Elta Moorman Arnold Endowed Scholarship
- Orval Austin Endowed Scholarship
- Barton Family Memorial Scholarship
- Harry Campbell Estate Endowed Scholarship for Education
- Margaret Chavez Endowed Scholarship
- N.I.C.E. Ronald D. Corn Scholarship
- The Marvin Deluga Memorial Scholarship
- The Lawrence and Margaret Duclos Endowed Scholarship
- The Michael and Phillip Duley Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Margaret (Beckman) Fettig Scholarship
- Kenneth and Mildred M. Hensley Scholarship
- Herbert Howe Perpetual Scholarship
- Gene and Virginia Leach Memorial Scholarship
- Francis Ernest Millay/Ruth Stark Millay Memorial Scholarship
- Military Order of the Purple Heart
- The Bob Olson Endowed Scholarship for Mullan High School/Shoshone County Students
- The Aletha Pabst Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- The Maxine Arnold Pell Endowed Scholarship
- Renci Scholarship
- Riddle Family Scholarship
- The Showalter-Carlisle Scholarship
- Dr. Milton L. Snyder and Dr. Dolores J. Gibbons Endowed Scholarship
- June Stegner Endowed Scholarship