
  • To adhere to appropriate technology standards.
  • To confirm the availability of IT resources.
  • To avoid surprise costs or configuration needs.
  • To avoid redundant systems and shadow databases.
  • To facilitate an efficient IT assessment process and avoid delays in purchasing and implementation.


  • Submit a Help Desk ticket when you first start planning to:
    • Buy equipment and software
    • Do something with a space: buy new space, reconfigure an existing space, carve a new space out of an existing one, relocate a person or a function to a different space
    • Hold an event
      • Instead of contacting the Help Desk, you can request tech support when you make your reservation in 25Live
  • Contact the IT Director when you:
    • Begin work on a grant proposal that will include technology purchase or support
    • Need a technology solution for a business problem
    • Want to implement a new system
    • Are unsure if your solution is a “system” or just a technology purchase