Residence Hall Packages/Mail
If you are sending a package or mail to a student living in one LC State's Residence Halls listed below is the correct format for the address to appear on the package or mail.
Name (as listed on the Residence Roster)
Name of Hall and Room #
500 8th Avenue
Lewiston ID 83501-2691
John Student
Talkington Hall 111
500 8th Avenue
Lewiston ID 83501-2691
You can include Lewis-Clark State College above the students name if you would like but it isn’t necessary. 500 8th Avenue is the mailing address of the college
Do Not Use
- 120 Sam Glenn as an address
- the physical address of your hall
- or just 500 8th Ave
When sending items of value like gift cards etc. it is a good idea to use Mail or Shipping with Tracking such as Priority Mail or Certified Mail.