Guidelines for Submitting Mail To The Mail Room

  • Mail must be facing one direction with all return addresses in the upper left hand corner of stack.
  • DO NOT PUT MAIL IN UPSIDE DOWN OR BACKWARDS. Even though it makes a nice neat stack, it makes more work for the mailroom.

  • Unsealed Envelopes must be arranged flaps down but NOT overlapping.
  • Mail must be rubber banded or clipped together by Cost Center/Budget #

  • Mail with foreign destinations (this includes Canada & Mexico) Must be separated from domestic mail and noted as such. 

  • Make sure all foreign country addresses are in English with the name of the destination country singly, in all CAPS, on the last line. Example:


    1111 1ST Street

    Vancouver, BC 1Z2Z3 


  • Please don’t mix Stamped mail with metered mail.