Frequently asked questions

Please contact AP in the controller's office at coap@lcsc.edu or call ext 2327.

If a department would like something paid on Wednesday (Jaggaer) Check Run, they must have the request approved, receipted, and invoice provided (if applicable) by the end of Monday that week. Please add all attachments correctly (see link provided; https://www.lcsc.edu/media/12622/how-to-attach-an-invoice-to-po-and-notify-ap.pdf).  If this is for AP to process, please make sure to add Calahan McAlister, Amanda Taylor, and Catherine O'Shaughnessy to the comments. This will allow AP, Travel, and Jane (ICP) Tuesday to complete all of their invoicing and allow time to review the vouchers before payment is issued on Wednesday. Jaggaer Check Run will start on 10am on Wednesday, no later. If a department adds their receipts on Tuesday, there is no guarantee that it will get processed that week for the check run.

Logo clothing is an appropriate expense only if employees need to be easily identifiable while completing job duties or promotion is part of an agency’s mission.

  1. MER and PRR now combined into one form, the MER.
  2. The intent of the policy is for Meals only. Not for approval to buy shirts, pay for sponsorships, or request anything but paying for food.
  3. All MER’s need Preapproval but under the rare exception after the event can be approved at the department/division level.
  4. No MER needed if:
    1. It’s open to the public for the event/activity.
    2. It’s for student use only (If students are the ones invited than no MER is needed.) OK If faculty or staff participate, it’s who was the audience intended to be.
    3. Mandatory institutional hosted meetings such as State Board of Education, Accreditation, Permanent Bldg fund Advisory Comm.
    4. Foundation hosted event
    5. Presidential hosted event
    6. If an MER is not required you will clearly need to note that in comments in Jaegar or the travel expense claim.