President's Council

The President's Council is an advisory group to the president on both internal and external issues. It serves as a communication, consulting group.

The President's Council membership is comprised of the following administrative individuals:

  • President
  • Executive Assistant to the President
  • Sr. Vice President/Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Vice President for Finance and Administration 
  • Vice President for Institutional Research & Effectiveness
  • Dean for Liberal Arts & Sciences
  • Dean for Career & Technical Education
  • Dean for Professional & Graduate Studies
  • Budget Director
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Director of Athletics
  • Director of College Advancement
  • Director of Communications & Marketing
  • Director of Financial Aid
  • Director of Human Resource Services
  • Director of Physical Plant
  • Director of Public Safety
  • Director of Student Services -- CDA
  • Registrar
  • Sr. Director, Coeur d'Alene Center
  • Faculty Senate Chair 
  • Professional Staff Organization Chair
  • Classified Staff Organization Chair
  • President of ASLCSC